Advisory Board
For the TRU Open Press
The OP Advisory Board is integral to the success of Open Press initiatives. Comprising a diverse group of experts, the Board represents essential constituency groups and ensures strong connections with Thompson Rivers University (TRU), Kamloops, and the broader open community. Their expertise in education and open education provides invaluable guidance to Press leadership, while their ambassadorial roles enhance OP’s visibility and impact. Additionally, a dedicated subcommittee within the Board is tasked with selecting projects for development, promoting accessible and inclusive education.
Purpose of the Board
The Board is here to represent constituency groups important to the development of Open Press projects, and to make sure that we are connecting with the areas of campus that we’re responsible to in our grant application (TRU, Kamloops, and the greater open community). The Board is comprised of people that know education and open education well, and who can advise Press leadership on academic standards, potential partnerships, financial sustainability, potential grants or sources of funding, innovation, and inclusive practices. The Board will also act as ambassadors for the OP and the subcommittee will select the next projects for development.
Advisory Board Members
Org Chart
Project Selection Subcommittee
Five board members, including Jamie Drozda who has agreed to be the Chair will be elected at the first board meeting of each year to serve as a subcommittee for project selection. This group will report to the board at each meeting. Membership of this subcommittee must include at least one student representative.
- Review projects after the first intake [May 1], according to the Project Review Matrix [provided]
- We established the set of criteria against which we will be evaluating the project proposal
- Decide by consensus, which projects will be funded and supported
- Complete review ASAP. The goal is to disperse the funds by the 1st of September, but folks will be looking to work on their projects as soon as they can (the earlier we can start to disburse funds, the better).
- Potential to be called to reconvene if funds allow for a second mid cycle call for proposals. This depends on how much the funds get dispersed and what we end up with in terms of surplus funds.
- Subcommittee: Jamie Drozda (Chair), Christine, [Roods] Bensley, Michelle, and Brenda
Agenda, presentation slides, and meeting minutes will be available on this page.
- The Advisory Board follows the TRU academic year, running September – August.
- The Advisory Board shall meet at least once per academic semester with additional meetings conducted as required. Meetings may be held virtually or in-person with hybrid participation options.
- Quorum shall be defined by 50% of active membership + 2.
- Meetings will follow a consensus decision-making process.