Frequently Asked Questions

“Open educational resources (OER) are learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others. Examples include textbooks, readings, images, videos, other multi-media files, software, assessment tools, and entire courses.” (TRU Libraries, 2024)

OER will expand access to educational resources to more learners, more of the time. In particular, adult learners, students who work full time, and other nontraditional students stand to benefit from open resources because they are available for independent, self-directed study.

Open resources are one way to address the rising costs of education, and they also have the potential to facilitate new styles of teaching and learning. Giving faculty the ability to pick and choose the individual resources they want to use and to modify those resources and “assemble” them in unique ways—promises greater diversity of learning environments.

Proposals can be submitted by any TRU faculty, TRU staff, students or community members.

  • Copyediting 
  • Copyright review
  • Site domain/setup
  • Website design/layout
  • Multimedia
  • Platform support
  • Training and more!

WordPress: WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS). It’s a popular tool for individuals without any coding experience who want to build websites and blogs.

Pressbooks: Pressbooks is an open-source online platform for self-publishing books in multiple formats: e-books, webbooks, and print-ready PDFs (Illinois University Library, 2023).

Illinois University Library. (2023). Publishing in Pressbooks: Introduction. University of Illinois.,web%20presentation%2C%20and%20export%20routines.

TRU Libraries. (2024). Open educational resources (OERs). Thompson Rivers University.